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Make an Impact with Your
Donor-Advised Fund 


A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a simple, tax-smart way to support the lifesaving work of Pet Network Humane Society. Whether you want to give now or grow your gift over time, a DAF allows you to maximize the benefits of charitable giving while helping our mission to save and improve the lives of animals in need.

Benefits of Donating Through a DAF

1. ​Tax Advantages

When you contribute to a DAF, you’re eligible for an immediate tax deduction, even though your gift may be distributed over time. The assets in your DAF can grow tax-free, potentially allowing for greater giving in the future.

2. Flexible Giving

A DAF offers you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often you wish to give, allowing you to support Pet Network Humane Society’s critical programs when it matters most.


3. Strategic Donations

A DAF allows you to contribute cash, stocks, or other assets when it's most beneficial for your financial situation. Then, you can recommend grants to the causes you care about over time, helping you plan your charitable giving strategically.

How to Give to Pet Network Humane Society Using a Donor-Advised Fund

1. Establish Your DAF

If you don’t already have a Donor Advised Fund, you can set one up through a sponsoring organization like Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or your local community foundation, such as Parasol. 

2. Recommend a Grant

Once your fund is established, log in to your DAF provider's online platform and recommend a grant to Pet Network Humane Society.


You will typically need to provide our details:

Legal Name: Pet Network Humane Society
Tax ID/EIN: 94-3162646
Address: 401 Village Blvd., Incline Village, NV 89451
DTC Clearing #: 0164, Code 40
Brokerage Firm: Charles Schwab
Credit Account: Pet Network Humane Society
Routing Number:  0710000134


3. Let Us Know About Your Gift

To ensure we can properly acknowledge your gift, please notify us when you’ve made a grant recommendation. You can contact Kimberly Highfill our Finance Director at or (775) 832-4404 x 102.

4. Support What Matters Most

With your DAF gift, you can choose to support one of our specific programs—critical medical care, adoption support, or operational costs—or make an unrestricted gift that allows us to use the funds where they’re needed most.

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